After two plus years of My Little Moppet, I am certain that I have answered a question from pretty much every area of parenting. Unsurprisingly, Moms’ favorite questions are all in the field of nutrition. While weight gain, breastfeeding and recipe requests are common, there’s one question that always makes its way to my inbox – How much should a baby eat?
The short answer to this is to feed till the baby pushes the spoon away. However, most Moms aren’t satisfied with this answer! So we have got here a detailed guide on exactly how much your baby should eat for proper growth and healthy weight gain.
How much should a Baby Eat?
First of all, you need to ensure that you’re introducing solids at the right time and in the right way. According to WHO guidelines, it is advised to exclusively breastfeed your baby for the first six months and to introduce solids after that. Check out our earlier post on how much milk your baby should have.
Secondly, it is important to remember that every baby is different and each baby’s appetite and feeding rhythms will vary greatly. A few factors that affect the appetite of babies are:
1. Teething
Teething babies undergo a great deal of discomfort with their gums as they cut their first teeth. Their gums hurt, they drool a lot and experience a general sense of feeling unwell. As a result their appetite suffers, and they spend some days cranky and crying and refusing to feed.
2. Sickness
If your child suddenly starts to refuse to feed and it doesn’t have anything to do with teething, then it’s likely he’s suffering from an illness. Even a simple cold or blocked nose is enough to put a baby off feeding as he finds it difficult to suck. An infection in the stomach or anywhere else can also lower the appetite.
3. Natural Fussiness
Fussiness is a normal part of growing up, even for babies. As babies grow and learn more about themselves and their environment, they may show a disinterest in food. Instead of forcing them to eat during this stage, it’s important to retain a positive attitude towards meal times and try to feed them in a playful manner.
You can check out our full post on causes for loss of appetite in babies.
How do I know if my baby is eating enough?
Your baby’s cues are the best indicator of whether your baby is eating enough. If she refuses the next spoon then it’s better to stop the feeding and give a different meal after 2 hours. It is important to ensure the right combination of foods so that your baby doesn’t get bored and gets complete nutrition too.
Introducing a new food can be hard, and it can take 10-15 tries over a few months before your baby will actually accept a new food. Babies can pick up on parents’ emotions, so don’t get discouraged or upset when baby refuses a new food. Staying persistent and positive is crucial for feeding success.
How much should a 6 month old baby eat?
6 months of age is the best time to start solids as your baby’s body is now ready to sit upright and take in food from a spoon. Yet, since she’s just a beginner, it’s important not to get over enthusiastic and start feeding large quantities right away. Start slow with 1 tablespoon a day and gradually introduce new foods. Always remember to follow the 3-Day rule with every new food to ensure your baby has no trouble digesting it. For this age, you can follow the schedule below:
Day 1 – Start with 1 tablespoon once a day (Best choice for the first food is Apple puree (as it is sweet), make it runny by adding breast milk or formula feed)
Day 2 – Increase to 2 tablespoon of Apple puree twice a day
Day 3 – Increase to 3 tablespoon of Apple puree twice a day
Day 4 – Next solid can be a vegetable, can start with carrot, Give 1 tablespoon of either Carrot Juice or Carrot Puree once a day
Day 5 – Increase to 2 tablespoon of Carrot juice/puree twice a day
Day 6 – Increase to 3 tablespoon of Carrot juice/puree twice a day
Day 7 – Morning Apple puree, evening Carrot juice/puree
For the coming weeks, you can introduce newer foods but stick to the same quantities. You can find a detailed food chart for 6 months here. The aim is not to overwhelm baby, but at the same time get him used to a variety of foods so he gets all his nutrients. By the end of the month a baby can have 2 meals a day of approximately 30 ml each, along with breastfeeding on demand.
How much should a 7 month old baby eat?
As your child turns 7 months old and has been fine with the schedule of the previous month, you can increase the number of meals to three. The timings of feedings will depend upon your baby and your family’s routine, but this is a good time to structure his meals into breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The quantity of each feed in this month will be roughly the size of your baby’s fist which is around 90 to 100 ml. Make sure his diet includes legumes, cereal, fruit and veggies, and the texture can be thicker than last month, which may affect the quantity of food in a teaspoon slightly.
Check out our full menu plan for a 7 month old baby that has been planned with gradually heavier foods being introduced through the weeks. Please remember that breastfeeding is still an important part of baby’s diet, so continue to feed on demand.
How much should an 8 – 9 month old baby eat?
By 8 months, most babies have mastered the pincer grasp and have the coordination to take objects into their mouths without difficulty. This makes this a good time to introduce finger foods and allow them to feed themselves. In addition to the three main meals from last month, two snacks can also be introduced, preferably during mid mornings and late afternoons.
Checking how much your baby is eating starts to get trickier now. Since she’s self feeding, the foods are probably chunkier and heavier than a puree or porridge. At the same time, babies play with their food, so not everything you offer is being eaten. Follow your baby’s cues – if the amount you served at 7 months is being eaten rapidly, you might want to increase the foods served at the three meals by a tablespoon or two. Your baby will soon tell you when she’s done with it. They can probably have a small pancake or a small dosa by themselves. Include more texture in purees and porridges. You can also introduce eggs, chicken and fish at this stage.
For snacks, focus on variety rather than quantity. Start with 2-3 pieces of fruit or vegetable at the beginning. Remember that most of baby’s calories still come from breastfeeding, so don’t skimp on breast milk. Check out our 8 month food chart and 9 month food chart for more detailed meal plans.
How much should a 10-11 month old baby eat?
By 10 months, it’s a good idea to stop purees altogether since your baby can handle tougher foods. Now your baby’s meal can resemble an adult meal with servings of grain, vegetable and protein. Just be sure to keep them baby friendly, take care of choking hazards and avoid cow’s milk, honey, salt and sugar. This is an age when babies may start to assert themselves and turn their noses at certain foods or show a loss of appetite. Spices are a good way to rekindle their interest in food, as well as trying to make mealtime a pleasant experience, like eating with the family.
Since baby is now eating whole foods, the amount of food may appear smaller, but it’s only because it is now chunkier and heavier. Again, continue to breastfeed in between meals, probably every 5-6 hours or so. Basically, the rule ‘ offer as much as your baby will eat’ seems to work generally. The important thing from now on is to focus on offering wholesome, healthy foods and not processed or fast food. You can refer our 10 month old and 11 month old food charts for more details on the different foods your baby can eat.
Once your baby hits her first birthday, she can pretty much eat everything the family is eating. For more details on the quantity of food, please refer our post on how much a toddler should eat.
Things to Remember:
- Offer as much as your baby wants to eat
- Don’t force feed
- Don’t get upset about how much your baby is eating
- Continue to breastfeed on demand, especially till the first birthday
- Avoid salt, sugar, honey and cow’s milk before the first birthday
- Follow your baby’s cues to realize when he’s had enough
As you can see, deciding how much a baby should eat is not rocket science! Like everything else, you are the best judge of your baby’s eating habits, and you should listen to your instincts. Babies vary widely in how much they eat, and the age of starting solids also plays a small role. Don’t compare your little one to other children; your journey is all your own, so enjoy it together and to the fullest!
My baby age 11th months how much spoon rice he can eat .if I measure nan pro 2 milk spoon
Hi Priti,
This article has the general guidelines. The quantity actually depends on the baby 🙂 You can feed as per the requirement.
Hello Doc,
My baby’s bw is 2.88 and her weight at 6.5 months is 7.18.She has gained only 800 gms in last 2 months together which i feel is lesser as per kellymom site.She lies fairly within the WHO graph.
She gets distracted easily and feeds less from me(ebf baby).I give her solids twice a day,(oats+fruit and ragi/dal rice/idly)
My question is is oats making her not increase in weight and what should i do about wieght gain?she hates drinking milk from me but is okay with bottle.please help
Hi Gayathri,
Your baby’s weight is good, please don’t worry. It’s just a growing stage and it’s not to be worried if your baby is active and healthy. Yes, you can feed using bottle if she is comfortable. Slowly you can change to sipper and then to open cups 🙂
Hello doctor,
My son is 11 months old. I still give him pureed foods along with chunkier foods as he sometimes refuses to eat on his own. He takes about 120ml pureed food 3 times a day and about 3/4 cup to 1 cup other foods 2-3 times daily. Is it enough? I doubt myself if i am not feeding him well.
Hi Hanana,
There is no strict rules on the quantity to be fed. It’s completely fine if your baby eats comfortably and stays active and healthy 🙂
My baby is almost 11 months old and he used to eat very well till in past one month or lil more he has become fussier. He wants to play during eating else he wont take spoon in his mouth. Almost once a day he vomits, sometimes twice after the meal. My in-laws and husband think he is still not ready for chunkier and finger foods (he has not got any teeth yet). I am not sure where I am going wrong. I try to feed him healthy with combination of daal, chawal veggies, fruits etc. I don’t think I am over feeding him but who knows. Can I do portion control so that he doesn’t vomit, because I am worried if he remains hungry after eating. What is the right amount of portion to ensure I am not keeping him hungry.
Hi Samiti,
The portion varies from baby to baby dear. You can try giving small volumes of nutritious foods in regular intervals instead of one big meal, this can control vomiting. Baby’s gums can chew the basic foods like rice, dal etc. So it’s completely fine to give finger foods. Self feeding is important for increasing the feeding ability and interest on foods dear, so please proceed with giving lots of finger foods 🙂
Baby milestones
Can you please help us with the detailed query dear?
Hello Doctor, my daughter is 10 months old and she does not like spoon coming to her. She does ot want to open her mouth for any food other than milk. Also if I give her finger foods she shows no interest in picking them up. I feel helpless, please suggest something. Day goes by when she eats nothing at all.
Hi Shaily,
This is a common problem dear. Don’t get stressed out due to this children do not tend to take positively to the changes. Hence such reactions to them if your child doesn’t like spoon feeding then present the food in front of her in a way that it attracts your child. You can use cookie cutters, or make foods in different sizes so that it appeals to your child. That’s alright if your child isn’t showing with finger foods but make sure you keep finger foods to your child daily let your child play with the finger food gets used to the texture of the finger food.
My Daughter is 13 months old. She doesn’t want to eat anything, she only wants breast-milk. With lots of trails i can hardly make her eat little bit of daliya or some fruits. I try to cook different things just so she can eat but just after 1-2 bites she avoids eating. We checked with the doc and he gave her appetite increasing syrup but whenever i try to give any syrup to her she vomits. what’s your suggestion, what should i do?
Hi Sweta,
Give lots of finger foods dear, it will increase the feeding ability and interest on foods. Increase the play time and adding more zinc rich foods like nuts, eggs, whole grains, avocados, pomegranates, guavas, mushrooms, green peas, spinach, lentil sprouts, asparagus, beet greens, broccoli, okra, sweet corn etc in kid’s diet could help in increasing the appetite.
Hi..I have tried apple purie for my 6months baby she is not taking the food.she is refusing it.suggest me the best fruits for my baby.and best foods for healthy weight gain
Hi Charmila,
Try giving banana, avocado, pear and chikoo but reintroduce apple after some time. Try adding weight gaining foods like peas, dry fruits powder, ghee, oats, ragi, coconut oil, bananas, raw kerala bananas, potatoes, sweet potato etc to baby’s diet. There are weight gaining mixes which can also be added in baby’s diet. Please check on the link below for more details.
Link – this site answers only food related issues for a baby? Are u going to answer health related issues?
Hi Charmila,
We answer general health issues queries and parenting queries too. Please mail your queries to [email protected]. Happy to help 🙂
Hi ,
My baby is 7 month old , since 6 month i have started solids but just a quick question.If say I am preparing rice+moong dal khichdi for his brekfast at 9am.and he didnt had it ok if i reheat it at 1 pm to feed him ? means how long cooked food can be consumable for baby
Hi Amrutha,
It can be given within 2 hours. You can heat it to serve warm. It’s always better to feed the baby fresh.
Hai my daughter is 22 months old and weigh 13 kg she eats very little when compared to my cousins daughter who is 1 year old she hadn’t gained weight from the last 10 months iam really worried about her whether she is getting enough nutrients r not??
My cousins daughter eats well but she is only 7 kg weight I don’t understand why
Does weight really matter??
Please suggest me so that my daughter eats something healthy
Hi Swetha,
Each and every child is unique dear. Same with the quantity they eat. Don’t worry of weight if the baby is active and healthy.If you want to increase her weight,Please add Ghee, Cheese, Dry Fruits, Ragi, Potato, Sweet Potato, Milk, Health mixes, Kerala Banana Powder, Pear, Peas, Avocado, Paneer, Banana, Coconut Oil etc regularly to her diet. You can also try health mixes from our range of products. Please find link below with complete details.
Link –
Good day doctor,
My son is almost 2 years old and refusing to drink milk since 20 months old he likes to drink water more than milk. He is also difficult to feed, his gag reflex is very sensitive easily vomits the food he take.
Can you please give some advices or foods best with picky eater.
Hi Regina,
Thanks dear, good day to you too. Try making the milk more appealing by adding some extras like organic, preservatives free health mixes. If he continuously denies milk, you can add the alternatives of milk such as cheese, paneer,curd etc in his diet. Give little amounts of nutritious diet. It’s time to add new recipes of his choice. Toddlers tend to get bored of food easily. Try nutritious recipes of his choice, Our website can help you with recipes. Please let us know after trying 🙂
Thanks alot I will do.
plz suggest he likes to eat cerelac (but eat very small amount). Can i give him cerelac is it healthy for him?
Hi Iram,
We don’t suggest anything with artificial sweeteners or preservatives. It’s always healthy to be organic.
Hi doctor. My 13 months old son refuses to eat anything often. There are days when he eats well and during some days he doesn’t eat at all. What should I give him to eat and how much should a toddler eat at this age. Is half chapati enough for him
Hi Nishtha,
Quantity of food depends of your child dear. You can feed until his tummy is full. It’s completely normal for toddlers to show interest on some foods and hate some foods. Add healthy nutritious diet of his choice. Our website will help you with different recipes. Happy feeding 🙂
Hello. My daughter is 7 months old. Her current plan is:
8am – Breakfast – half apple or pear + 2-3 tbsp sooji / rolled oats / ragi + 1/2 or 3/4 egg yolk
12pm – Lunch – daliya khichdi / moong dal and rice khichdi with some veggies like carrot / beans – introducing more veggies
3-4pm – Formula / breastmilk
7pm Dinner – Rice gruel with spinach / carrot / potato
Breastmilk at bed time
Now, I don’t force her to finish how much ever I have taken. Have a few questions:
1) How do I know if she is being overfed? like she has more than 2-3 table spoon for sure. Is that too much?
2) Do we need to follow the 3 day rule for all veggies / spices / fruits?
3) Till what age should we follow the 3 day rule?
4) I currently puree the food but for rice / khichdi I leave the texture grainy and thick – not runny. When shall I move to lumpy / mashed food?
Looking forward to your response.
Thanks Jaya
Hi Jaya,
That’s a great menu 🙂 1. Quantity of food depends on your baby, Your baby would show signals when tummy is full. Just follow the signal dear.
2. Yes, it’s important to follow 3 day rule, to check for bowel movements and food allergies 3. Follow 3 day rule at least until the baby turns one year.4. You can gradually increase the consistency dear, you can start mashed foods now, start with little and then increase. Hope all your queries are answered 🙂
Hello my daughter is 7 month old and 6.5 kg. As I read in your article that at 7 months baby can be given 3times solid feed but my baby asks for more than 100 ml at one time.
Can I give her more than 100 ml at one time……secondly I don’t have enough breastmilk so can I give more than 3 solid feeds if she is accepting nicely.
Hi Aania,
It’s perfectly fine to feed your baby on demand. She might show signals to stop when her belly is full. kindly follow your mother instinct dear. BM is important for baby. Try taking foods like oats, carrots, butter, nuts, papaya, garlic, fish, which would enhance milk supply. You can also try lacto booster with milk.It has Oats, Sabudana, Wheat dalia, Brown rice, Bajra, Sesame seeds, Cashews, Almonds, which would drastically increase the milk supply. Please find details in below link.
Link –
Help my 11 month old barely eats any solids today for example has had a cheese slice and half a sandwich all day (it is 3pm).is breastfeed because refuses the bottle has s feed before morning nap then again arvo nap then before bed.wakes anywhere from 2-5 times in the night and always wants to feed. He use to eat 3 good meals a day and snacks 🙁
Hi Kelly,
Don’t worry dear, He is in developing stage. This happens with toddlers who feels comfortable to suck milk rather than munch solids. It’s time to make the meal time more interesting, here are a few tips to encourage your toddler to return to solids 1. stick with foods that pack the most nutritional punch in a small volume. Best choices are avocado, yogurt, tofu, eggs, veggies (such as carrots and squash)2. Give him more finger foods Just let him eat with his hands and clean up when he’s done 3. Continue to put a wide variety of foods in front of your child and then TOTALLY IGNORE what he does with the food.4.Make the food appealing and exciting by adding some extras which your baby likes, never force your child to try a food.5.Make the meal time more playful.6. Never worry of messiness. He will start enjoying food soon 🙂
Hello Doc,
Heard we should give dinner to toddlers by 7-8PM. My kid is awake till 11 in the night. And wakes up late in the morning around 10 AM.
Becomes difficult to follow 3 snacks +2 meals Plan. He just has 2 meals +1 snacks.
Is this Ok? or could you suggest timelines I should follow.?
Hi Prajakta,
3 meals a day is a basic necessity of the body. I request you to include 3 meals in his timeline. You can wake your toddler early and keep him engaged in playing activities and then gradually deteriorate and bring him in the appropriate sleeping and eating times.
Even though it is a slow process to bring your little one into a correct habit, it will be a beneficial habit in future.
I enjoyed your adviced doc
Hi Delphine,
Glad to know that our advice helped you with your little one 🙂
Hi your emails are very helpful to me.. love your guidance.. i have a 10month old son and lately he has become very fussy.he wont open his mouth to eat. I dont know if its teething as even he vomits atleast once a day. Kindly asssit me on what i should give him
Hi Malvi,
Please check if your little one is teething. During these times any child will be irritable and fussy to eat and sleep. If he is teething then it is best to relieve some of his pain using the home remedies like gently massaging your little one’s gums to relieve him of the pain and there are some more remedies which is given in the below link.
And also at these times, give him some teething biscuits which will relieve some of your tension for not properly eating. you can refer our blog website for teething recipes.
My 11 months baby is pushing the food from first bite itself. She grabs finger food but she doesn’t put anything in her mouth. She choke a lot at even mashed food. She is crying with hunger but she doesn’t eat anything. Often she throws food.
Please suggest me
It seems that you would need to help the little one learn chewing also, as by 11 months she must now have some teeth and can start chewing food well. Also don’t get pushy about food, there are some appetite changes in babies as they grow but eventually they pick well on eating. Here’s some help for chewing
My daughter is 1.5 months old, and her weight is still 7.5 but what bothers me more is her height as she is not picking up height in a way a 1.5 year old should gain it. people find it hard to believe that she is 1.5
Dear, have you consulted a doctor so that they can check personally to ensure if there is a lack in height. Weight is on the lower side dear however if the baby is active you don’t have to worry much. Check these two links for some help
Hi doc my baby is 10months . I would like to find out how many times i should her water per day n how many ml. Also can i give her normal milk to drink.
Dear give water and milk on demand. Also ensure proper meals as per the food chart.
My 7 month baby is eating food only once or two times for a day , likes breastfeeding only wat can I do to make her hungry
Follow a diet plan, check our site for his age group food chart. Give variety of food to the little one. and don’t force eating. As long as the little one is active there is not much to worry about.
Hello mam
My baby could not drink a water . Plz giive a suggestion.
How old is your baby dear? you can offer soups, porridges, juices etc Water you can offer in sippy cups or attractive glases so that the kid enjoys having it.
Hi my baby age is 2 years old but he is not taking diet properly. he cant chew plz suggest how can i teach him. every time he needs milk.
Hi Iram,
Don’t worry, he will get through this phase when his feeding abilities develop. Try making him watch other children munch food. Instead of compelling, You can make it as a game, say “munch munch, munch like mama “(and show munching) and ask him to repeat, let him enjoy munching food with mama, step by step he will improve.Try different recipes of his taste. Our website can help you with nutritious recipe ideas. You can also take him with you while cooking to make him excited to taste the new recipe 🙂
Thanks alot I will do.
plz suggest he likes to eat cerelac (but eat very small amount). Can i give him cerelac is it healthy for him?
We don’t suggest anything with added preservatives or artificial sweeteners dear.
I tried a lot with my baby to chew the food but useless. he did not open the mouth to take food. he wants to eat by his self but eat very small amount. I am very worried about his health. always wants feeder.
Please suggest how can i improve his eating habit?
Hi Iram,
Your baby is in the right track dear, you don’t have to worry as the baby wants to eat himself. That’s a positive note.Let him start little by little,it’s not a factor to worry, as long as your baby gets the nutrients he needs during this phase, here are a few tips to encourage your baby to enjoy solid foods, stick with foods that pack the most nutritional punch in a small volume. Best choices are avocado, yogurt, tofu, eggs, veggies (such as carrots and squash)2. Give him more finger foods Just let him eat with his hands and clean up when he’s done 3. Continue to put a wide variety of foods in front of your child and then TOTALLY IGNORE what he does with the food. This would help him to develop feeding ability.Relax, sit back and watch him grow 🙂
thanks for the advice
Hi Doctor,
I am using panankarkandu for making porridge for my 7 months old.How much can i use per day?.I use 3 -4 spoons per day.pls advise.Apprciate your help.
Dear we don’t advice any sort of sweetening agent until at least 1 year.
My daughter is 16 months old and her weight is 8.5kg.
Her birth weight was 3.05kg and at 6 months she was 6.1 kg. Exclusively breastfed for 6 months. Started solids after that – all homemade. Porridge / Fruits etc. But at 1 year she was 7.3 kg.
Now she doesnt like porridge much but eats pancakes
Now I give her following:
Breakfast – Chapati / sooji Pancakes / Macroni / Omlette bread
Mid morning – Ragi satva to drink + banana
Lunch – Brown rice (as pulao, or with dal + veggies or with fish)
Late afternoon – Chiku shake / pomegranate juice / apple pieces
Evening snack – Biscuits dipped in milk / Omlette / plain wheat noodles + cow milk to drink
Dinner – Brown rice (with veggies)
Water to drink in between.
She drinks cow milk late in the night and early morning – @ 120ml each.
I have never given her packaged food like cerelac etc. after 6 months.
At time she eats well, but on certain days she doesn’t even take a bite in specially morning breakfast and dinner even if I make different stuff for her (like if she doesnt eat chapati, i try making sooji pancake – that too she will refuse).
I am a bit concerned about her weight as per her age.
Please advice.
Hi Pallavi,
As long as your little one is active in all the activities that she does she is healthy. And as for not eating it is a general occurrence where at this age they refuse to eat certain foods. You can try to place various dishes in front of your daughter so that she can be introduced to new food and flavor. And there are many recipes in our blog for toddlers where you can try to experiment with your little one’s taste buds 🙂 There are many weight gaining products in our shop too that you can provide her.
hello mam…My baby is 1 year old n i jst want to know some gud healty food n snacks for because he is getting choosy on his food nowadays kindly help
Could you please check the site for food charts of toddlers and other recipes for them.
My child is11 month old he could not eat well his weights 8 kg bilkul no nano khata khuch jb 4 month ka tha us no nugatory shear the plz koe idea dyl
Dear if your baby is active then even if hez lean, nothing to worry.
Hello mam
When water can introduced to babies and what’s the quantity ?? Can give immediately after meal or every 2hr interval . Pls guide
I started giving Ragi porridge as first food , after introducing this she has got cold and running nose , I gave her sinrest drops . And stopped Ragi porridge . She was ok . Again I started Ragi porridge , again runnin nose and cough . Kindly suggest wat can I do
Once the baby has completed 6 months, you can anytime give water. Though most babies don’t catch cold due to Ragi, there could be a possibility that your little one is. You can try to give again after few days and always give very small portion during the day time to see if it works out. Water can be given after few minutes of the meal.
Hello mam
When water can introduced to babies and what’s the quantity ?? Can give immediately after meal or every 2hr interval . Pls guide
Hi Pallavi,
You can offer water to your little one during meal time if he/she has started solids.
Once babies are introduced to solids ?? What’s the quantity of water can b given and how many times per day . Can we give immediately after meal or after some gap ?? Pls kindly reply .
Water can be given to babies after 6 months and as many times as they like or desirable. After meals it is best to have a gap of few minutes.
Hey doc how many times solid food can I give my 1 year old baby? 4 times or 3 times?
4-5 small meals can be given dear. Portion size should be small so that the baby digests the food well.
My 1.3yr old daughter is a fussy eater…she eats very little even if I try to eat feed her with varieties of food..if I try to feed her frequently after 2hrs she gets indigestion..
Hi Anusha,
Even though she eats little try to give her products which may be taken in small portions but should pack a whole lot of nutrition into it. Let her adjust to the food that she is going to eat. Feed small portions during the day so that she will get accustomed to that food and then consume in more quantity. Feed her foods such as Makhana, Fruits, Milkshakes, Vegetable etc.