Before diving into the lunch box recipes for kids, let’s acknowledge the challenges that moms face in planning them. Kids can be fussy eaters, and at school, they tend to compare their lunches with those of their peers. To make life easier for moms, here is a collection of easy, delicious, and nutritious lunch box recipes for kids.
Lunch Box Recipes for Kids
Click on any picture to go to the recipe page
[riview id=942 num=2000 orderby=title order=asc showtitle=always lightbox=0]Of course, lunchbox recipes for kids are helpful, but here are some more tips to know about packing your child’s lunchbox:
1. Get kids involved. The more kids are involved in their own lunchboxes, the less likely they are to make a fuss! Try taking them when shopping for groceries and when preparing your weekly meal plan for lunch box recipes for kids.
2. Include lunchbox planning in your meal planning. Some Moms plan lunchboxes for an entire month, but you can at least do so for a week. This takes out the major part of lunchbox stress! This also helps in bulk cooking and incorporating leftovers.
3. Be balanced. Try to include a good mix of carbs, protein and fruits and vegetables. Don’t stress about every lunch; it just needs to be balanced over the course of the week.
4. Do the prep during the night. Don’t wait for morning to start your child’s lunch from scratch. By doing prep work the previous night, you can save valuable time in the morning.
5. Have an assortment of lunchboxes. Different meals require differently shaped boxes – what works for a rice-raitha lunch may not work for a sandwich lunch. It also breaks the monotony of opening the same old lunch box everyday.
6. Pack smart. When packing lunch box recipes for kids, it’s important to pack smart. In a tropical climate, consider food spoilage and separate dry and wet foods. Use airtight containers for spill-prone items and include utensils and a napkin for convenience.
Our easy lunchbox recipes for kids and tips should make lunchbox planning and packing a breeze now, leaving behind a relaxed Mom and a child who happily finishes his lunch!
Mam can u prepare lunchbox meal plan for a week and give us because we dont have idea of all nutrients balanced in that week…
Hi Sudheshna, take your suggestion on that, it does seem like a good post that will help moms manage their kids’ lunchboxes