Children are highly energetic and require a lot of nutrients to grow properly. If you want to improve their appetites, you can try making the Jeera water recipe. This home remedy is a great way to provide your kids with essential vitamins and minerals, as well as energy. They will love the taste and will be able to get their daily dose of nutrients. Jeera water is a home remedy that has been traditionally used for improving digestion and relieving gas, bloating and indigestion.
Health Benefits of Jeera Water
Jeera is an iron rich Indian spice which can be given to babies after 6 months of age. Jeera water or cumin water is the ideal way to introduce this healthy spice in baby’s diet. It stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and accelerates the digestion process in-turn increasing the appetite of babies & kids.
Some interesting health benefits of jeera water are,
- Strengthens the respiratory system
- Aids sound sleep
- Helps to stabilize the blood pressure
- Helps to fight against viral and bacterial infections
- Eliminates toxins
- Relieves digestive issues like stomach ache, gas, hemorrhoids, acidity etc.
- Treats constipation
- Improves immunity
- Improves brain health
- Treats anemia
- Boosts digestion
- Enhances metabolism

Cumin seeds are packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, Vitamin A, C, copper, and manganese.
As per Wikipedia, in a 100-g reference amount, cumin seeds provide high amounts of the daily value for fat (especially monounsaturated fat), protein, and dietary fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, and several dietary minerals, especially iron, magnesium and manganese.
Here is the detailed recipe of Jeera water.
- Jeera – 1 tsp
- Jaggery (Optional) – 1 tsp. [for above 1 year old]
- Water – 1 cup

1. In a bowl, add jeera and add 1/2 cup of water.

2. Soak jeera for 1 hour.

3. Add soaked jeera water and remaining 1/2 cups of water in a pan.

4. Bring the water to a boil.

5. Reduce the heat, allowing the seeds to simmer for about 5 minutes.

6. Optional: Add Jaggery for Babies above 1 year.

7. Let it cool, then strain the mixture.

8. Serve warm

Regular intake of jeera water improves metabolism and gut health helping babies and kids eat well and stay healthy. Spices are good to be introduced gradually to babies after 6 months, while introducing solids. Jeera is the best amazing spice to increase immunity in babies and hence good to be introduced in early stages.
Here is the general guidelines on feeding jeera water to babies. When starting out for babies above 6 months, feed only 2-3 teaspoons of jeera water for about 2 times a week. As baby gets adjusted to the taste after 8 months, you can gradually increase the quantity to 2-3 tablespoons, about 2-3 times a week. For Toddlers, the quantity of jeera water can be increased to 1/4 cup a day, about 3-4 times a week.
It’s an awesome home remedy that helps to boost immunity, improve appetite in kids and make them more willing to eat healthy food. This also helps to relieve cold. Give this remedy a try and let us know!

Does jeera water increase appetite in children?
Yes, jeera water is good for aiding digestion and gut health. Which results in a healthy appetite.
Is Jeera water good for toddlers?
Jeera water is packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, Vitamin A, C, copper, and manganese. It’s good and healthy to be given to toddlers.
Can I give cumin to my baby?
Yes, cumin can be introduced in powdered form after 6 months itself. Cumin water is also good to be introduced after 6 months.
How can I increase my child’s appetite naturally?
Adding cumin/jeera, ginger, garlic and asafetida liberally in baby foods can increase baby’s appetite naturally.
Is cumin water safe for babies?
Cumin water is safe and healthy to be introduced to babies after 6 months completion.
Can we give jeera water daily to babies and toddlers?
When starting out for babies above 6 months, feed only 2-3 teaspoons of jeera water for about 2 times a week. As baby gets adjusted to the taste after 8 months, you can gradually increase the quantity to 2-3 tablespoons, about 2-3 times a week. For toddlers, the quantity of jeera water can be increased to 1/4 cup a day, about 3-4 times a week.
When can I introduce cumin water to my baby?
Cumin water can be introduced after 6 months completion.

Home Remedy to Improve Appetite in Kids – Jeera Water Recipe
- 1 tsp Jeera/cumin
- 1 tsp Jaggery(Optional) for above 1 year old
- 1 cup Water
- In a bowl, add jeera and add 1/2 cup of water.
- Soak jeera for 1 hour.
- Add soaked jeera water and remaining 1/2 cups of water in apan.
- Bring the water to a boil.
- Reduce the heat, allowing the seeds to simmer for about 5minutes.
- Optional: Add Jaggery for Babies above 1 year.
- Let it cool, then strain the mixture.
- Serve warm.
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