MyLittle Moppet's 80+ Homemade Snack Recipes for Kids

A Mom’s Worry-Free Recipe Book Created with Love for your Little Moppet.

Free ebook for Homemade snacks recipes for kids

Are you struggling with quick and healthy snack options for your toddler? Is your child getting bored with the same snacks in rotation, day after day?

We know you face the daily struggle of coming up with tasty snack options that are healthy and need minimal time.

But what’s the solution? How do you find a whole lot of ideas and recipes for toddler snacks?

You could ask your mom friends or Google up snack ideas or check out Pinterest. There is no shortage of snack ideas, but going through the flood of recipes on the net is a hassle in itself. The recipes will be all over the place, in different formats, and may require ingredients that may not even be easily available in India!

What if you could get your hands on a FREE e-book that has more than 80 snack recipes for toddlers; snacks that are :

1) Super healthy and delicious 

2) Easy to make

3) With readily available ingredients?

Most importantly, all of these recipes are mom-tested and toddler-approved!

Now Launching...

My Little Moppet’s 80+ Homemade Snacks Recipes

Download this fully-loaded, FREE e-book and get amazing snack recipes!

Why should you download My Little Moppet’s 80+ Homemade Snack Recipes e-book?

  • With 80+ ideas, your child will never complain of getting bored with the same old snack!
  • Most of these snacks take very little time and effort to make
  • Most snack options in the e-book are finger foods, suitable for self-feeding
  • Variety of snacks means variety of ingredients which means variety in nutrition
  • You can bid goodbye to wafers, biscuits and other packaged snacks
  • Many of these snacks are travel friendly and can be stored for a few days
  • This whopper of an e-Book is absolutely FREE!

Check out some of the snack ideas you will find in the e-book:

no bake enery balls recipe for toddlers

Check out these awesome recipes too!

  • No Bake Energy Balls
  • Dates Sesame Seeds Laddoos (Packs a punch with just 2 ingredients)
  • Jowar/Sorghum Appe
  • Easy Cheese Corn Balls
  • Mini Idli Fry
  • Vegetable Pizza Dosa
  • Roasted Chickpeas
  • Flavored Paneer Cubes
  • A Little Background about this 80+ Homemade Snacks Recipes for Kids

    Our inspiration: Moms like you who worry about searching new snacks for your kids that are nutritious for their moppets!

    The Author: The Doctor Mommy- Dr. Hema!

    Free ebook for Homemade snacks recipes for kids

    My Little Moppet's Super Secret Sample Ebook of Recipes

    Surprise your toddler with a new, fun snack this evening, download the FREE e-book now!